000 Aspiration

Barium Swallow Aspiration into the Trachea

Barium Swallow Aspiration
Barium swallow in the LPO projection shows abnormal accumulation of contrast along the walls of the trachea secondary to aspiration. Contrast also lines the wall of the posteriorly positioned esophagus with a small air fluid level in the primary stripping wave of the esophagus. The contrast lined superior aspect of the epiglottis is seen among the vallecula and pyriform sinuses.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 46505c
Barium Swallow Aspiration
Barium swallow in the LPO projection shows abnormal accumulation of contrast along the walls of the trachea (b, white arrowheads) secondary to aspiration. Contrast also lines the wall of the posteriorly positioned esophagus (b, light green arrowheads) with a small air fluid level in the primary stripping wave of the esophagus (b, lower light green arrowhead). The contrast lined superior aspect of the epiglottis (pink arrowhead) is seen among the vallecula and pyriform sinuses.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 46505cL
  • Aspiration:
    • inhalation of foreign material
      • food, liquid, or vomited contents into
      • the airways and lungs
      • resulting in respiratory complications, ranging from
        • mild irritation with a cough to
        • more severe conditions such as
          • pneumonia.
  • Causes:
    • Swallowing Dysfunction:
      • neurological disorders or
      • structural abnormalities.
    • Impaired Consciousness:
      • Individuals who are
        • unconscious or have
        • reduced consciousness,
          • eg intoxication or
          • anesthesia,
    • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD):
      • Acidic stomach contents can be aspirated into the lungs.
    • Obstruction of Airways:
      •  can increase the risk of aspiration.
  • Resulting in Functional and Structural Changes:
    • Aspiration can lead to
      • irritation,
      • inflammation,
      • infection, and
      • damage to the lung tissue.
    • functional
      • impaired gas exchange and
    • structural changes such as
      • pneumonia or lung abscess.
  • Clinical Diagnosis:
    • bases on
      • medical history,
      • symptoms,
        • coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and fever
      • physical examination
  • Lab Diagnosis:
    • complete blood count (CBC) and
    • analysis of respiratory secretions to identify infectious agents.
  • Imaging:

Barium Swallowand Modified Barium Swallow

  • The modified barium swallow
    • detailed test
    • specifically designed to assess the
    • oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing.
    • used in individuals with
      • suspected or
      • known swallowing difficulties, such as those at risk for aspiration.
  • Procedure: During an MBS, the patient ingests
    • a mixture of barium and food or liquid of different consistencies (thin liquids, nectar-thick liquids, purees, etc.).
    • swallowing process is observed in real-time using fluoroscopy.
  • Role in Aspiration:
    • valuable in assessing the risk of aspiration during the oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing.
    • to identify specific problems, such as
      • delayed swallowing reflex,
      • penetration of materials into the airway, or
      • aspiration of barium into the lungs.
    • helps guide interventions and developing
    • strategies to minimize the risk of aspiration
    • develop appropriate treatment plans, such as
      • recommending dietary modifications,
      • positioning during meals,
  • Chest X-ray (CXR):
      • pneumonia usually lung bases,
      • lung abscess.
  • CT (Computed Tomography):
    • consolidation,
    • abscess formation
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging):
  • Treatment: Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause of aspiration, providing supportive care, and managing complications. This may include antibiotics for infections, bronchodilators for airway management, and interventions to address swallowing difficulties.
  • The management of aspiration-related conditions is individualized based on the specific circumstances of each case. Preventive measures, such as modifying diet consistency for those at risk of aspiration, may also be implemented.


Bibasilar Aspiration Pneumonia

Aspiration Pneumonia
74 year old male alcoholic with bilateral basilar lobar atelectasis caused by bilateral aspiration
CT scan shows airless lower lobes with small bilateral effusions. 3D reconstruction shows total obstruction of the right mainstem bronchus, and patent proximal mainstem bronchus
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
Aspiration Pneumonia Pulmonary Edema and DAD
54 year old male alcoholic with seizures presents with diffuse alveolar disease consistent with pulmonary edema (a). CT scan (b) shows bibasilar infiltrates consistent with aspiration.
Follow up CXR 6 months later (c) shows resolution
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net

72-year-old male presents with acute dyspnea
Aspirate Occluding the Right Lower Lobe Bronchus

CT Aspirate Occluding the Right Lower Lobe Bronchus
CT of a 72-year-old male with acute dyspnea shows a focal accumulation of low-density aspirate in the right lower lobe (white ring in lower image)
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 136037c

Aspirate Occluding the Right Lower Lobe Bronchus
Medial and Lateral Basal Consolidation

CT Aspirate Occluding the Right Lower Lobe Bronchus  Medial and Lateral Basal Consolidation
CT of a 72-year-old male with acute dyspnea shows a focal accumulation of low-density aspirate in the right lower lobe (white ring in lower image). Distal to the obstruction the posterior segmental and medial segmental airways are patent, but associated atelectasis is noted in those segments of the right lower lobe. The esophagus is displaced to the right and appears to contain some aerated content.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 136038cL

Aspirate Partially Occluding the Right Lower Lobe Bronchus and Extending into the Medial and Posterior Segments with Associated Atelectasis and Consolidation 

CT Aspirate Partially Occluding the Right Lower Lobe Bronchus and Extending into the Medial and Posterior Segments with Associated Atelectasis and Consolidation 
CT of a 72-year-old male with acute dyspnea shows a sub-totally occluded bronchus distal to the more complete obstruction noted in the previous section (green arrowheads b and c, and ringed in white in c). Distally at the branch point of the lower lobe bronchus there is partial filling of the medial and posterior segments (white arrows b and c). Secondary to the aspiration there is post obstructive atelectasis of the medial and posterior segments of the right lower lobe. The esophagus is displaced to the right, and appears to contain some aerated content (yellow arrowhead c).
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 136041cL

Aspiration and Tree in Bud

Aspiration Pneumonia and Tree in Bud Sign
87 year old male with history of cough and suspicion of aspiration shows barium aspiration into the proximal trachea (upper right) The scout view ( upper right) shows an infiltrate at the right base, Thickened airways in the right lower lobe (2nd row left ) is associated with a pneumonic infiltrate in the right lower lobe (lower right) consistent with aspiration. There are thickened airways to the lingula (3rd and 4th row) with magnified view showing tree in bud changes (right sided images 3rd and 4th row)
All these finding likely relate to spiration though lingula involvement is not usual
Ashley Davidoff MD Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net


 Tree in Bud
71 year old man with cough CXR and CT show bibasilar infiltrates CT shows tree in bud changes
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonvein.net
71 year old man with cough CXR and CT show bibasilar infiltrates CT shows tree in bud changes
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonvein.net


Diffuse aspiration bronchiolitis in a 61-year-old woman with achalasia who experienced recurrent aspiration of foreign particles. Thin-section CT scan shows multiple centrilobular areas of increased attenuation with a characteristic tree-in-bud appearance. Esophageal dilatation with an air-fluid level is also seen.
Rossi, SE et al Tree-in-Bud Pattern at Thin-Section CT of the Lungs: Radiologic-Pathologic Overview RadioGraphics Vol. 25, No. 3 2005
Aspiration with tree in bud at the bases
Ashley Davidoff MD The CommonVein.net
Aspiration with tree in bud at the bases
Ashley Davidoff MD The CommonVein.net

Aspiration from a Esophageal to Bronchial Fistula in a Patient with Esophageal carcinoma and a Stent

Extensive Esophageal Carcinoma s/p stent with Esophageal to Bronchial to Pleural Fistula
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net squamous-cell-carcinoma-001
Extensive Esophageal Carcinoma s/p stent with Esophageal to Bronchial to Pleural Fistula
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net squamous-cell-carcinoma-002
Extensive Esophageal Carcinoma s/p stent with Esophageal to Bronchial to Pleural Fistula
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net squamous-cell-carcinoma-003