260 Lu Necrotizing Pneumococcal Cavitating Pneumonia with Abscess Formation Complex Pneumococcal Pneumonia in the Left Upper Lobe CXR Complex Pneumococcal Pneumonia in the Left Upper Lobe70-year-old female presents with a cough, fever and leukocytosis. Frontal CXR shows a large heterogeneous pneumonic infiltrate in the left upper lobe consisting of a consolidation in the lower portion and cavitation in the upper portionAshley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 260 Lu 31625c Cavitating Pneumococcal Pneumonia with Abscess Formation CT Cavitating Pneumococcal Pneumonia with Abscess Formation54-year-old female presents with a cough, fever and leukocytosis. CT in the axial plane shows a cavitating pneumonia (b, white arrowheads) with large abscess and air-fluid level (b, yellow arrowheads), and multiple small intraparenchymal abscesses (b, orange arrowheads)Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 260Lu 31591cL Necrotizing Pneumococcal Pneumonia with Abscess Formation and Emphysema CT Necrotizing PneumococcalPneumonia with Abscess Formation and Emphysema70-year-old female presents with a cough, fever and leukocytosis. CT in the axial plane shows a left lung with diffuse moderately severe emphysema (blue ring in b) with only a small rim of normal lung noted posteriorlyImage c shows a cavitating pneumonia with a large central cavitation (c, white asterisk)with an air fluid level (c, yellow arrowheads), and multiple small air filled cavities secondary to necrosis (b, white arrowheads).Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 260Lu 31627cL Lymphangitis Associated with Necrotizing Pneumococcal Pneumonia CT Lymphangitis Associated with Necrotizing Pneumococcal Pneumonia70-year-old female presents with a cough, fever and leukocytosis. CT in the axial plane shows extensive lymphangitis characterized by thickening of the interlobular septa in the inferior aspect of the upper lobe below the necrotizing pneumonia.Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 260Lu 31631c