296Lu Lymphoma to complete 22-Year-Old Female presents with fevers weight loss and night sweats CXR mediastinal Lymphoma The Abnormal Mediastinum – KEY WORDS medical students code chest enlarged lung lymph node lymphadenopathy lymphoma mediastinum nodule SVC compressed 22-Year-Old Female presents with fevers weight loss and night sweatsAshley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 296Lu 42056c01 Abnormal mediastinal silhouetteThe first image represents the normal and the second a mediastinal silhouette that is very abnormal. There are multiple “mogul” enlargements, including the region of the aortic knob, the pulmonary segment and the SVC. The following CT explains the appearance. Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 296Lu 2056c02 Superior Mediastinal Nodes3 = Prevascular 4 = Lower ParatrachealAortic Nodes6= Paraaortic Nodes42058c02 Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 296Lu Superior Mediastinal Nodes3 = Prevascular NodesThis patient has lymphoma and the nodal groups of the mediastinum are all enlarged.42058c01bAshley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 296Lu Aortic Nodes 6= paraaorticSuperior Mediastinal3 – Prevascular Nodes 4 = Lower Paratracheal42059c01 Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 296Lu Extensive Mediastinal Lymphoma and Lung NoduleWithin the posterior segment of the left upper lobe there a 2.5 cms nodule with mild reticulations likely a lymphomatous deposit42068c03Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 296Lu Lymphoma in a young female patientThis transverse section through the top of the aortic arch shows multiple enlarged soft tissue masses in the superior mediastinum representing enlarged lymph nodes in this patient with lymphoma. he enlarged lymph nodes are outlined in green.Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 42062c01 296Lu Extensive Mediastinal Lymphoma and Lung Nodule42068c03 Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net medical students code chest enlarged lung lymph node lymphadenopathy lymphoma mediastinum nodule SVC compressed 296Lu