- largest – trachea and
- smallest, -respiratory a diameter of 0.5 millimeters
- airways (trachea to the respiratory bronchiole)
- average of 23 airways generations (
- bronchi are distinguished from bronchioles
- conducting branches
- bronchi and bronchioles, to terminal bronchiole,
- respiratory bronchioles have
- alveoli
- transport,
- function in respiration (
- airways – two zones that reflect the differences in
airway resistance and flow. T
- large airways, with diameters greater than 2 mm
- 75% of the airway resistance
- small airways, with diameters of less than 2 mm,
- large number of small airways,
- overall cross-sectional area is > large airways.
- 25% of the airway resistance,
- High-resolution CT (1 .0- 1 .5-mm collimation)
- allows identification of
- airways 1-2 mm in diameter and
- vessels 0. 1 -0.2 mm in diameter
- The secondary pulmonary lobule
- supplied by three to five terminal
bronchioles (aka Reid lobule)
- terminal bronchiole and artery supplying the lobule are
- center
- intralobularbronchioles cannot be identified because the
thickness of their walls is less than 0. 1 5 mm.
Mainstem Large and Medium Sized Bronchi
Secondary Lobule
Contains up to 30 acini
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