120 Lu Left Upper Lobe Collapse Cancer Luftschissel Sign Central Cancer Causing Left Upper Lobe Collapse69year old male presents with a cough and weight lossA PA CXR left upper lobe atelectasis and a Luftsichel sign characterised by a consolidation along the left superior mediastinum with sigmoid shaped interposed air from the hyperinflated left lower lobe. There is elevation of the left hemidiaphragm secondary to the volume lossAshley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net69M cancer LUL collapse Luftsischel sign 001 Central Cancer Causing Left Upper Lobe Collapse69year old male presents with a cough and weight lossThe axial CT scan shows a central low density mass causing collapse of the left upper lobe positioned anteriorly with the major fissure also displaced anteriorly by the hyperinflated lower lobeAshley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net69M cancer LUL collapse Luftsischel sign 003 Central Cancer Causing Left Upper Lobe Collapse69year old male presents with a cough and weight lossThe axial CT scan shows a portion central low density mass causing collapse of the left upper lobe positioned anteriorly with the major fissure also displaced anteriorly by the hyperinflated lower lobe. In addition there is occlusion of the LUL bronchusAshley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net Central Cancer Causing Left Upper Lobe Collapse69year old male presents with a cough and weight lossThe coronal CT scan shows a portion central low density mass causing collapse of the left upper lobe positioned alongside the superior mediastinum with the major fissure also displaced superiorly and medially by the hyperinflated lower lobe. In addition, there is occlusion of the LUL bronchusAshley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net69M cancer LUL collapse Luftsischel sign 006 obstructed bronchus Central Cancer Causing Left Upper Lobe Collapse69year old male presents with a cough and weight lossThe coronal CT scan shows a portion central low density mass causing collapse of the left upper lobe positioned alongside the superior mediastinum with the major fissure also displaced superiorly and medially by the hyperinflated lower lobe.Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net69M cancer LUL collapse Luftsischel sign 005 obstructed bronchus