6 years prior CXR of a 49 year old male shows hyperinflation, bilateral hilar retraction and linear nodular changes in the apices reminiscent of latent TB
4 Years Later
Progressive Bronchiectasis in the Apices
1Year Later Cavity with Aspergilloma in the left Apex and Consolidation and Abscess in the Right Apex
The patient presented 6 years prior and the CXR showed hyperinflation and findings consistent with latent TB characterized by hilar retraction and linear nodular changes in the apices. CT scan 4 years later showed progressive bronchiectasis and 1 year after that the left apex showed a large cavity suggesting secondary aspergillus infection with fungal ball . At the time serum and sputum tests suggested infection with aspergillus. The patient did have pulmonary symptoms with a wcc elevation likely from the lung abscess. It was felt the the aspergillus infection was likely of a chronic nature (Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis – CAP) The right apex showed consolidation and an air fluid indicating an abscess