The frontal CXR shows subtle nodular changes in the right upper peripheral lung field (red circles) .
The CT examination scout film confirms 3 major regions of nodular change
The lateral examination shows 3 regions of nodular changes (red arrowheads)
The Sagittal CT examination scout film confirms 3 major regions of nodular change in the posterior and superior segment of the RUL along the confluence of the right major and minor fissure and in the posterior segment of the left upper lobe peripherally.
The axial images show a variety of characteristic changes including;
Ground glass opacity
Stellate or flame shaped nodules
Semi Solid nodules
Fissural based nodules
Subpleural nodules
Micronodules along the
lymphovascular and
bronchovascular bundles of the secondary lobule
Calcified nodule some of which are surrounded by soft tissue of the granuloma
There are small calcified nodes in the mediastinum, but no significant pathologic adenopathy
No obvious cardiac nor splenic involvement is noted