000 Crack Lung

  • Cocaine is an
    • alkaloid
    • anesthetic properties
      • leaves of Erythroxylon coca,
      • unique chemical properties
        • use in social,
        • religious, and
        • medicinal purposes
          • asthma remedies and
          • “French Wine Cola,”
          • predecessor of Coca-Cola.
            • “pinch of coca leaves”
            • John Styth Pemberton’s original 1886 recipe for
            • Coca-Cola
            • local anesthetic properties of cocaine
            • by stabilizing cell membranes
        • People with a history of asthma or other lung diseases
          • may be at higher risk
        • Resulting in
          • diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
          • DAD
          • Pulmonary Edema
          • occurs acutely within 48 hours of smoking crack cocaine.
          • The diagnosis of crack lung is based on
            • history,
            • clinical presentation,
            • laboratory, and radiographic findings. Unlike most other forms of alveolar hemorrhage,
          • The term “crack lung”
            • not a medical diagnosis,
              • a colloquial term used to describe
              • a range of pulmonary complications
                • acute lung injury
                • pulmonary edema
                • hemorrhage